Compliance Trouble
Finding Economical Solutions for a Facility in Compliance Trouble

Violation of State Regulations
It is common practice for a facility operator to use internal personnel to meet environmental compliance needs. For years, submitting annual reports and conducting a few tests to monitor air quality and groundwater may have been all that was required.
But what if one day a state environmental compliance inspector shows up and asks to inspect the facility? What if the inspector develops a list of deficiencies that result in the facility being issued a Notice of Violation of State Regulations? Would you know what to do in this situation?
HHNT does, and we can help.
Full-Time Job
Environmental compliance has become more than a full-time job, and many industries are finding they need more time and energy to address every rule and regulation fully. We have made it our business to have a thorough understanding of environmental regulations at all levels of government. With this knowledge base, HHNT is able to offer clients both proactive and reactive treatments to scenarios like the one described above to ensure their businesses are always in compliance with environmental regulations.
HHNT has established professional relationships with every environmental regulatory agency with which we work. These relationships have allowed HHNT to help negotiate acceptable solutions between clients and government agencies. These solutions have included corrections to non-compliant issues for the regulatory agency and reduction of fines and less costly fixes for the client.
In other cases, we have been able to prove that regulators have exceeded the law. Our thorough understanding of the regulations allows us to successfully challenge them on your behalf, reducing future costs to build and operate your facility. When your consultant and the environmental regulatory agency mutually respect each other and trust that the other seeks their common goal of protecting the environment, everyone wins.